Honorable Mentions:
-OCG version of "Gimmick Puppet Dreary Doll"
-"Ghoul With An Appetite"
-"Outer Entity Azzathoth"
-"Gimmick Puppet Nightmare"
-"Malice Doll of Demise"
10. The OCG version of "Maji-Gire Panda"
This card isn't that creepy. Its just an angry panda kicking a table, right?
Well yes, on the international release it is. Given the facts mentioned before you must be wondering why then is this card my list's no. 10. Oh, let me tell ya... Check out the original Japanese artwork made for this card. Yes, it contains family violence. Apparently the panda who was kicking the table had his family in the background scared for their lives. God...
9. "Dark Necrofear"
This card was used by the creepiest antagonist from the original Yu-Gi-Oh! series: Yami Bakura. That says a lot! My god this card is creepy! Still, this card didn't make it higher up the list because it wouldn't be half as creepy if it wouldn't have the doll. It still would be kinda creepy but not as much.
8. "Sky Scourge Invicil"
This thing reminds me of the "Angel of Grief" grave statue (the statue that inspired the weeping angel race from Dr. Who) a bit too much, and that thing is creepy as hell. The artwork is really twisted. Barbed warrior all in the background. Plus, if you look up the meaning of the word "scourge" the sheer creepiness will blow your mind, I assure you...
7. "Necroface"
A broken f%ing doll head with something that resembles a brain or some sort of entrails pouring out of it! Nuff said...
6. "Outer Entity Nyarla"
Straight out of an archetype composed of creatures that would make the late writer Howard Phillips Lovecraft proud comes this grotesque monstrosity made out of... ...I really don't know! Like all of Lovecraft's monsters and subsequent creatures created based on his universe, it's really hard to describe what this thing really is.
5. The OCG version of "Parasite Paracide"
If you saw the original Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters anime you surely remember Insector Haga (a.k.a. Weevil Underwood). This card was one of the ones he had among his arsenal (although he didn't personally use it). I bet if you remember this card you thought nothing of it. I mean, its just some weird insect on a black smoke background right?
Well, this is true only if you live outside of Japan. Knowing this I bet you are wondering what could the Japanese put in this card artwork to make it earn no. 5 on this list then? What about the fact that in the original artwork the has its tentacles and appendixes poking out of a guy's face!
4. "Gimmick Puppet Shadow Feeler"
Straight out one of the creepiest archetypes ever created, this "thing" or whatever the f#%k its supposed to be is based on a film you might know. Its name: "The Human Centipede: First Sequence"... NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! F#%K NO!
3. "The 13th Grave"
This is a very old card that came out on one of the very first pair of card sets released for the game: "Legend of Blue-Eyes White Dragon". If you remember it I bet you are asking why is this card here if the artwork isn't half as creepy as some of the stuff we've seen so far. I remember when I was a kid and pulled this card out of a pack. I vividly remember thinking that "Armored Zombie" has a way creepier artwork than him. Then I read this card's description: "A zombie that suddenly appeared from plot #13 - an empty grave." Oh, ok... WAIT, WHAT IN THE FLYING F#%K DID I JUST READ? Out of an empty grave??? What in the name of the GREATEST GIANT EXPLOSIVE FLYING F#&K IS THIS THING???!!!
2. A tie between "Il Blud" and "Gate Deeg"
I included "Il Blud" in this list because that card is one of the antagonists of my favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! creepypasta: Ghosts! The story won't scare you much but it will make you die of laughter! Wanna read it: Click here. The card's name Spanish translation is another factor for it to be so high up the list: "Mala Sangre". Sounds like something out of Latin-American culture! It's stomach is wide open and a horrible face can be seen inside it. Then there's Gate Deeg, a card from the Ps1 classic game "Yu-Gi-Oh!: Forbidden Memories" that scared a lot of us as kids. It's a zombie with its stomach opened and held only by threads which contains various monsters. Damn son...
1. "Dokuroyaiba"
I know everyone's like: "Why on earth is this old ass card in here as no. 1? It isn't even that scary!" Let me tell you why. I had two horrible experiences related to this card as a kid (which I'll tell you in video format on my gaming channel). Literally translated to "Shinigami Boomerang", this thing haunted my nightmares as a kid. I had to dispose of this cards (using acid from my grandpa's metal warehouse) when I was 8 years old because this things were too scary. I recently obtained other copies of both cards and added them to one of my folders. I still to this day have trouble looking at "Dokuroyaiba". When I stumble upon it on my folder and it catches me off guard I still react to it as if it was a jumpscare. I still laugh my a$$ off after that for having thought for one second that a simple piece of cardboard can harm a grown a$$ 23 year old man...
After the way I ended my last 2 vlogs I am genuinely happy to conclude this vlog in happy mood. Hope you guys enjoyed the list and as always: sweet nightmares! Oh, and by the way and as an added bonus, it would seem appropriate to leave a picture of the 2 cards from the "Ghosts" creepypasta down here: